Congratulations on the birth of girl baby

he birth of a baby is not only an occasion for the parents to rejoice but it is equally a matter of great happiness to the extended family of the parents. The new one brings, joy and happiness to its numerous aunts and uncles, not to forget the grandparents. All pitch in to wish the new mother, bringing gifts for the baby. A congratulation letter is then a way to send your greetings and blessings to the new member.
Here is a sample congratulations letter birth:
Simone Mathews
House #183,
Westend Drive,
Laura Symonds
House #89,
Maple Avenue,
Solan Arcade,
New Orleans
24th May, 2010
Dearest Laura,
Accept our heartiest congratulations on the birth of little Tanya. It is indeed a matter of great pleasure for me and your dad to become grandparents. We are thankful to the almighty that he blessed us with one of his angels and that you two are in good health. It must be an entirely new experience for Timothy and you.
I can well understand your feeling when you must have first held your newborn in your arms. It must have been a similar one when I held you. Now your whole life will revolve round the little one. It is an immense responsibility of bringing up a child. At various stages of life you will have to deal with various issues of child rearing. As you will find that a mother’s work is never done. To make your child a responsible human being is a tuff task. But I have faith in you that you will not be found lacking in it.
Your brother and sister are both excited that now they will both be considered as responsible uncle and aunt and not just kids. They are hounding me to let them go and see the little one. We shall soon be paying you a visit the moment you settle down. Your Dad is sending his love to Tanya.
With lots of love & blessings for you all,
Your mother,

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Related : Congratulations on the birth of girl baby