Apply for One Day Casual Leave Letter

Learn how to write One Day Leave Application. You can use this sample One Day Leave Application format directly as well.
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for one day leave on (date) as I have to take my mother for dialysis.
It’s a long procedure and would require one whole day for that. I am taking this particular date as it is a Saturday and assume that the work load will be less. I understand the this is the peak season for wok but I have not availed any leave from past three months .I need this leave as you must be aware the from past one week my mother is not doing well. Her blood sugar is gone high and she is suffering from chronic diabetes. Nobody is there to take expect me as my brother is away on an official tour to (name of the city).I can’t leave her in the hospital all by herself so would require this leave.
I hope you understand the urgency and provide me with this leave. I urge you to kindly grant one day leave for the same.
Waiting for your confirmation.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Your name

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